NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


清澄庭園 Kiyosumi-teien Kiyosumi Garden

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Kiyosumi Garden located in Kiyosumi, Koto-ku, Tokyo is a public park designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty of Tokyo Prefecture. In 1878, Yataro Iwasaki, a founder of Mitsubishi group, bought this premise and planned to build a garden. It was partly completed in 1880 and named “Fukagawa Shinbokuen Garden.” After Yataro’s death, the landscape construction was continued and finally a typical Kaiyu-style Rinsen garden (pond stroll garden) featured with a pond, artificial hills and rocks, was completed. It was a fine garden that represented the Meiji period landscape construction.
As right after Great Kanto earthquake in 1923 a lot of people in the neighborhood took refugee in this garden, Mitsubishi group contributed this garden to Tokyo City in 1924 and it was opened to public in 1932. With a variety of fine rocks brought from all over the country, excellent layout of pond and islets and beautiful water, Kiyosumi Garden is one of the best gardens in Tokyo.

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3-3-9 Kiyosumi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0024
Kiyosumi Garden

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