NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


三徳山三仏寺 Mitokusan-Sanbutsu-Ji Mitokusan Sanbutsu-ji Temple

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Mitokusan Sanbutsu-ji Temple belongs to the Tendai Buddhist sect and is located in Mitoku, Misasa-cho, Touhaku-gun, Tottori Prefecture. The temple's main deities are the Gautama Siddharta, Amitabha and Vairocana Buddhas. It is also the 31st Fudasho of the Chinese Kannon Sacred Ground, and the 29th Fudasho of the Houki Kannon Sacred Ground.

The temple was founded by En-no-Gyoja (also known as En-no-ozuno) in 706 as a training ground for Shugendo (the study of the relationship between man and nature). In 849, Jikaku Daishi Enin bestowed to the temple its three principle Buddha images.

This mountain temple is located on Mt Mitoku (900m), which lies practically in the center of Tottori Prefecture. A mountain trail continues from the main temple to Nageiredo hall, passing the Monjudo and Jizodo halls. The Shoro hall can be seen, too. Nageiredo is a platform temple built some 470m up in the rock face, and is the only national treasure in Tottori. Mitokusan Sanbutsu-ji Temple is a sacred site, famous both as a scenic spot and an historic relic.

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1010 Mitoku, Misasa-cho, Touhaku-gun, Tottori Prefecture, 682-0132
Mitokusan Sanbutsu-ji Temple

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