NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


宮崎 堀切峠 Miyazaki Horikiri-touge Horikiri Pass in Miyazaki

Jp En

Driving on National Route 220 from the central part of Miyazaki City and passing some gentle curves, you will get to Horikiri Pass in Oryuzako in Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture. It was open to traffic in 1889. Beyond the pass lies nothing but blue water of Hyuganada Sea spreading as far as the eye could see. The Pacific Ocean viewed from the observatory is so splendid that it is counted as one of the representative landscapes in the Nichinan Coast area. Several phoenix (Date palm) trees stand along the observatory and cute crinums are blooming. The coast spreading below is composed of Oni-no-Sentakuiwa (the ogre's washboard), wavy rocks with stripe patterns formed by sea erosion. Going down the pass and advancing southward for a short time, you will get to Michi-no-eki (Roadside Station) Phoenix, which was renewed and opened in 2005. The area along the coast is designated as Nichinan Kaigan Quasi-National Park and has a lot of scenic spots that symbolize the tropical paradise Miyazaki Prefecture.

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Oryuzako, Miyazaki, Miyazaki Prefecture 889-2164
Horikiri Pass

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