NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


鬼剣舞 Oni-kenbai Onikenbai Demon Sward Dance

Jp En

Onikenbai or Demon Sword Dance is a folk performance passed down through generations in Kitagami region of Iwate Prefecture.
Its origin is not clear and there are a few different theories. One of them is that the dance was started during Taihou era between 701 and 704 when Enno-ozuno, who was believed to be the founder of Shugendou religion, danced while chanting.  According to another theory, the dance dates back to Daitou era when a priest of Haguro-yama was initiated into the dance by the deity, Arasawaoniwatari, who was the incarnation of Mahāvairocana.
Dancers wear masks, which are said to be the embodiment of a Buddha, as well as a breastplate, chain mail and red cord to tuck up the sleeves. They dance to music performed by a band consisting of drums, flutes and tebiragane, a small hand chappa cymbal.
The dance, categorized as a chanting sword dance, is characteristic that it employs Henbai walk style performed in a shrine religious event to drive away evil spirits. It is conducted to perform salvation for all creatures and to terminate demons.
The Demon Dance has been passed onto many different regions of Iwate prefecture and developed and preserved in many different versions.

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Kitakami, Iwate Prefecture
Onikenbai Demon Sward Dance

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