NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


太刀の宮 Tachi-no-miya Tachinomiya Shrine

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Tachinomiya Shrine
Tachinomiya is a historic shrine dated back to the Edo period. In Genna era (1615-1623) of the Edo period, Miyazaki Sadanao of the Miyazaki clan was on his way to Miyahara Village, his hometown, after the Summer War of Osaka. He was attacked by some enemy warriors in front of this shrine while asleep at night. However, his sword moved swiftly all by itself and saved him, to which he was very grateful and dedicated the sword to the shrine. Since then, it has been the custom for people who pray for recovery from illness or driving away the ill luck to dedicate a wooden sword to the shrine. At the present time, Tachinomiya is enshrined together in Miyahara Shrine and receives a lot of prayers from all over the nation. It is believed to have the healing power especially in asthma and cancer.

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Shin-machi, Miyahara-cho, Arida, Wakayama Prefecture 649-0434
Tachinomiya Shrine

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